Designed for Flexible Manufacturing

With Paladin on your team you get the best in process design, technology and expertise. You get seamless production flow, “Just In Time” with cost effective solutions for your most challenging projects. We are experts in manufacturing processes to ensure you get the product you planned. You get timely response to change, and the right attention to quality craftsmanship you demand.

From the floor layout to our state-of-the-art equipment, Paladin has designed a facility to effectively meet your flexible production needs. With our advanced conveyor systems, manufacturing software, in-line spray booths, material carousels, and lean production processes we can facilitate quick order changes that adapt to your demands whether it’s a few parts or thousands and deliver them just in time. Whether you need smaller batch sizes, multiple week shipments, mixed colors or other requirements, Paladin can handle your most difficult shipments and delivery schedules.

Turning Complexity into Peace of Mind.